Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Do You Know Anyone Going to Alp d'Huez?

We arrived in Zurich yesterday. We've decided we are getting a big sticker to put on the bike box that reads, "Contents: bikes/velos." This may cut down the number of stares we receive. I think people believe us to be wayward roadies from the Motely Crue reunion tour with that huge black box we are rolling around Switzerland.

I should have taken a photo yesterday as we left Luzern, it was the visual description of a zoo. Backpacks packed to the fullest and carry on luggage strapped to the bike box. Getting the box on and off the train from Luzern wasn't too big of a deal. The one we were worried most about was the trams in Zurich. Instead of being level with the curb there are three steep stairs one must climb to get on the trams. Without a bike box, piece of cake, obviously. With a bike box--a well planned and choreographed work about who goes in first, what happens if the person bringing up the rear doesn't get on the tram before it takes off, etc. We did manage it just fine in the end. Much to our, and a good portion of Zurich's, surprise.

Our flat is perfect. We have subleased it from a woman who is herself traveling this summer, so we have all the creature comforts of home instead of being held up in a hotel room. We can cook our own food, strew our junk around the place and have a place to keep all our things as we travel after the race.

We went to the start/finish line yesterday as they were beginning to put the finishing touches on all of the buildings and what not. Jim got checked in and received quite a nice bit of swag, as he said, "I'm registered so now I guess I have to do the race." We are about two miles or so from the start line so it isn't too bad of a location all in all.

The next few days are going to be spent trying to figure out how we can get to the town of Vaujany, France so we can do the Alp d'Huez triathlon at the end of the month (this also helps keep Jim's mind off the race a bit). Jim said he'd wear his Ironman finisher shirt so people didn't wonder why this guy on the P3 was going so slowly. He also mentioned this would be my one time to try and beat him since he won't be racing, rather finishing to get the shirt.

Jim's number is 1078 so you can check during the race if you have insomnia that night.

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