Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Geneva, down one, almost out one

Gelatomania in Geneva at 11:45. I order a small cup with passion (passion fruit), it was okay but too sweet. My second flavor was ananas basilic (pineapple and basil), the first bite was interesting and the second disgusting.
Jim ordered noisette (hazelnut) which on its own is pretty good. Mixed with calypso, it is terrible. Calypso is shrimp. Shrimp flavored gelato, with chunks of actual shrimp. When he ordered it the girl asked if he knew what it was, when she told him he stuck to the rules and got it. Did I mention calypso is shrimp?

On to Lausanne now.

1 comment:

Jocelyn - Henry's Mommy said...

The thought of shrimp gelato seriously made me throw up a little bit in my mouth.

WHEN are you coming home???